The Erick Hawkins Modern Dance Technique Produced and Directed by Renata Celichowska Edited by Nadra Holmes Volume I: Principles & Floor Warm Up, together with its companion DVD, The Erick Hawkins Modern Dance Technique.Volume II: Movement Patterns & Aesthetic Applications. Gives viewers the rare opportunity to share a master class with Erick Hawkins as he teaches, rehearses and dances with his company. Although following a form that is related to ballet and modern dance, Hawkins’ focus on mental attitude and emphasis sets his approach apart from any other dance technique. Volume I includes: bounces and loops (for discovering the body’s center), contraction and decontraction, rhythm and pulse, fourth position, creases and boomerangs, rocking the pelvis, figure eights, arching, psoas stretch, leg lifts, chalkline, and more. Historical and contemporary footage and narration. Volume II builds on the principles introduced in Volume I. It explores pliés, tendues, weight shifts, tassel arms, and movement combinations. Constantly emphasizing the body/mind connection, company members demonstrate each principle with simple exercises that develop into full choreographic phrases. Includes historical and contemporary footage and narration.
Erick Hawkins Modern Dance Technique Volume 1 & 2
- 2 DVDs, total 102 minutes, color.
- VDH054